Imagi Studios announced today that Flushed Away director, David Bowers, will direct the CG-animated ASTROBOY, replacing previously announced director Colin Brady.

Bowers said, “I’ve had a lifelong affection for the original ASTROBOY, so I am looking forward to giving him the full action-adventure Hollywood treatment. His story is both emotional and spectacular, so it absolutely lends itself to the big screen. With the amazing crew that Imagi has assembled, I feel there’s an opportunity to create something very special — a film to surprise audiences, have them on the edge of their seats, and hopefully make them laugh, too.”

Based on the Japanese manga, ASTROBOY follows a young robot created by a scientist in the image of the son he has lost. Unable to fulfill the man’s expectations, AstroBoy embarks on a journey in search of acceptance before he returns to save Metro City and reconcile with the father who had rejected him.

ASTROBOY is scheduled for a worldwide release in 2009.

