Synopsis: Ada juggles two worlds she struggles to keep separate: her daily reality as a library assistant and her imagination, where she explores how different transformative technologies could shape the future.
Along for the ride on these adventures are her boss, her grandmother, and unsuspecting visitors to the library.
Director’s Short Bio: Elizabeth Cox is the founder of Should We Studio — an independent animation studio dedicated to projects that will raise awareness of the most important issues shaping the future.
Before that, she was the Senior Editorial Producer at TED-Ed, where she wrote and edited the scripts for over 200 educational animated videos on all sorts of subjects which have amassed hundreds of millions of views.
Voice cast:
Rachel Rial as Ada
Ashlei Stevens as Ms. Shepherd
Jack Cutmore-Scott as Chameleon
Aric Floyd as Desmond
Maggie Pistner as Wilhelmina Heliotrope
Aliya Amor as Grandma
Jacob Barrens as Brewer
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