In 1968, an underground, anti-war short film was produced by Lee Savage and Milton Glaser called Mickey Mouse in Vietnam. It is rumoured (though unconfirmed) that Disney tried to destroy every copy that they could get in their possession.

Until recently, the only known copies available for public viewing were one owned by the Sarajevo Film Festival, and one included on the Film-makers’ Coop’s 38 minute, 16mm collection reel titled For Life, Against the War (Selections), available for rental at $75 (though only to members of relevant organisations).

However, on April 22, 2013, Mickey Mouse in Vietnam was silently uploaded to YouTube with System of a Down’s “Soldier Side (Intro)” dubbed over the top of it. The upload went largely unnoticed for almost three weeks, and as such, many people were shocked to suddenly be seeing it when the word spread.

Duplicate uploads after the break.