Synopsis: Ada juggles two worlds she struggles to keep separate: her daily reality as a library assistant and her imagination, where she explores how different transformative technologies could shape the future.
Along for the ride on these adventures are her boss, her grandmother, and unsuspecting visitors to the library.
Tag: ada
Release date: January, 2025.
Synopsis: Ada juggles two worlds she struggles to keep separate: her daily reality as a library assistant and her imagination, where she explores how different transformative technologies could shape the future. Along for the ride are people from her real life — her boss, her grandmother, or an unsuspecting visitor to the library.
Voice cast:
Rachel Rial as “Ada”
Ashlei Stevens as “Ms. Shepherd”
Jack Cutmore-Scott as “Chameleon”
Aric Floyd as “Desmond”
Maggie Pistner as “Wilhelmina Heliotrope”
Aliya Amor as “Grandma”
Jacob Barrens as “Brewer”
Ada is a five-part series from Elizabeth Cox, creator of The Demon of Reason and How to Avoid a Climate Disaster.