“The Drawn Together Movie: The Movie!” DVD will be released by Comedy Central and Paramount on Tuesday, April 20. It will be also available on download-to-own platforms in HD and SD including iTunes (pre-order 4/5), Xbox LIVE Marketplace, Zune, Sony PlayStation Store, and Amazon Video on Demand. Also, Comedy Central Records will release the “Drawn Together: The Soundtrack†CD on Tuesday, April 20.
To celebrate the release, TheAnimationBlog.com (that’s us!) will be giving away a copy of the DVD to a random reader. All you have to do is email theanimationblog at gmail.com with the subject heading “Drawn Together DVD Entry.” Entries must be submitted by 12:00PM on Monday, April 19, 2009 at which point a random winner will be chosen. The winner will then have 48 hours to respond with a mailing address. Should the person not respond in a timely manner, another random person will be chosen.