THQ and DreamWorks Animation today announced that they have entered into multi-year, multi-property licensing agreements granting THQ the exclusive worldwide rights to develop and publish video games based on DreamWorks Animation’s upcoming animated feature films, Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom and Puss In Boots, as well as the CG animated television show, The Penguins of Madagascar.
The new agreements grant THQ exclusive worldwide rights to publish interactive games based on these DreamWorks Animation properties for all console and handheld systems, including Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network and Nintendo Wii Virtual Console, and wireless devices.
THQ plans to release videogames in conjunction with DreamWorks Animation’s theatrical releases, as follows:
– Kung Fu Panda: The Kaboom of Doom, the sequel to Kung Fu Panda, is scheduled to be released on June 3, 2011.
– Puss In Boots, based on one of the characters in the Shrek universe, is scheduled to be released on November 4, 2011.
– Also, THQ previously announced the rights to publish videogames based on MegaMind (previously known as Oobermind), which is scheduled to be released on November 5, 2010.