Sundance today announced the program of animated short films selected to screen at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival. This year the Festival’s Short Film Program includes nine U.S. animated shorts and 10 international animated shorts. The 2009 Sundance Film Festival runs January 15-25, 2009 in Utah.
U.S. Animated Shorts:
DEAR BEAUTIFUL (Director: Roland Becerra; Screenwriters: Roland Becerra, Meredith DiMenna) — The sudden appearance of exotic flowers in New Haven spawns an unprecedented epidemic that threatens to destroy the city. Paul and Lauren, a married couple, are caught between the catastrophe and their own troubled relationship.
FIELD NOTES FROM DIMENSION X: OASIS (Director: Carson Mell) — Captain Fred T. Rogard muses in isolation on planet Oasis.
FROM BURGER IT CAME (Director: Dominic Bisignano) — An animated film that recounts early 1980s-era Cold War fears of a young boy in middle America. Using a variety of techniques, the visual narrative is colorfully assembled over semi-documentary audio conversations between a grown adult recounting his fears and his mother’s memory of the time and her own concerns.