Cartoon Network’s newest animated series “Total Drama Action” premiered Thursday night as the most-watched program of the day on all television-broadcast and cable-among kids 6-11, kids 9-14 and boys 2-11, 6-11 and 9-14, according to Nielsen Media Research.
Below are comparisons of Total Drama Action’s premiere versus Total Drama Island’s 2008 premiere:
– Kids 2-11 delivery (1,714,000) increased by 81%, and ratings (4.2) by 75%
– Boys 2-11 delivery (1,144,000) increased by 103%, and ratings (5.5) by 104%
– Kids 6-11 delivery (1,347,000) increased by 85%, and ratings (5.5) by 83%
– Boys 6-11 delivery (946,000) increased by 101%, and ratings (7.6) by 100%
– Kids 9-14 delivery (1,163,000) and ratings (4.8) both increased by 140%
– Boys 9-14 delivery (859,000) increased by174%, and ratings (6.9) by 176%